Saturday, 16 April 2011

The Mystery Caller

A teenage girl is home alone one night, watching TV and waiting for her mother and father to get back. It's getting late, and the girl's starting to get sleepy, when the phone rings. Thinking it must be her parents calling to tell her that they're on their way, she runs to pick it up.

But it's not her parents. In fact, all the girl hears at first is heavy breathing.

"Hello?" she says. "Hello? Who is this?" But there's no answer; just more breathing. Eventually the girl hangs up and, feeling a little uneasy, goes back to the TV.

The phone rings again. This time the voice on the other end is laughing at her. "Scared?" it hisses.

"Who is this?" demands the girl, but the only answer she receives is more laughter. She hangs up, checks that the front door is locked, and goes back to the TV.

The calls keep coming. More laughter. "You're home all alone," says the voice. "All alone." The girl can't ignore it anymore. She hangs up and calls the police, telling them what is happening. The police promise to trace the call next time he rings. Reassured, the girl hangs up.

Sure enough, the creep calls again, and after a minute or two of listening to him giggle down the line, she hangs up. Almost at once, the phone rings again, and she snatches it up. It's the police this time; they've traced the call.

"You've got to get out," cries the operator. "He's calling from inside the house."

And at that very moment, the upstairs light flicks on, and the girl hears footsteps on the landing above her head.

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